Want to be self-reliant and more independent?


What Yoguely is All About

If you’ve been looking for an answer to:
“Where can I find actionable value investing strategies that drives results?”, you’re in the right place. Yoguely is where people go for proven value investing strategies.
Here you can acquire the necessary leadership, critical thinking, resourcefulness, self-reliance, and finance skills for success.
My effective value investing strategies is why people subscribe to my email newsletter.
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How Yoguely Helps You Be Self-Reliant and More Independent?

Many proclaimed “career counselors” say: “To be successful you need to specialize.”
But it is not that straight forward.
I learned from experience that there’s a lot more to success than “specialization”.
That is where Yoguely can help you.
This blog is where I show you ways to live in a healthier, more fulfilling, and productive manner.
No complicated or impossible tips. Only incredibly simple strategies that you can apply right away.
Be sure to sign up for free updates to learn the proven value investing tips that will revolutionize your career:
Want to Be Self-Reliant?
About Aida Yoguely

Yoguely was founded by Aida Yoguely, a Master of Science and Engineer.
Aida earned her degree with highest honor from a top engineering university in the USA. She possesses multidisciplinary expertise in finance, management, web development, video production, and scientific research.
Which led her to join the the space program, where Aida engineered cutting-edge technologies at five different space centers.
She created Yoguely to teach bona fide deeply-researched evidence-based data-driven ideas that lead to actionable value investing strategies. She will also experiment with new strategies, and share the journey with you.